Great but...
This game was great. It was exactly like Battle for Gondor, except with a story and you can fight with troops. I can understand that a direct transition to fight with your troops can cause some bugs, but it's not like you can't fix em. Make the Health Bar on the HUD, or on a upper layer. Also, add some depth to the thing. You were always on a lower layer than the enemies. Make it so the greater the y value of something, the smaller depth it gets. Also, the enemies are all in a straight line. More dynamics? Moreover, I don't like the way you did the sword swip. The enemy has to be hitTesting the sword to get hit, right? Try instead of using your current method, try making something like if the x value between the target at you is... I dunno, 100, you're facing the enemy, and the y difference is less than 35 or something. That way, you can attack enemies when they're below you, and not when they're super-above you.